Electronics and Communication Engineering



To facilitate academic excellence and research attributes among Electronics and Communication Engineers adapting to the latest technologies that meet the global standards with high competence and professionalism.


M1 To provide a curriculum that practice quality teaching-learning process for academics and research enhancement.

M2 To produce a qualified Engineer with sound technical knowledge and skill to compete the changing industry requirements.

M3 To create an environment that helps to develop professional and ethical values for the growth of the society

Program Specific Outcomes

PSO1 : To implement the concepts of Electronics and Communication in designing the solutions for the applications in the field such as Embedded Systems, Robotics, Sensors, Wireless communication and Nano- technology.

PSO2 : To apply modern design tools to develop software and hardware solutions occurring in the field of Electronics and Communication.

PSO3 : To address the societal challenges in the field of Communication Engineering that supports in achieving a successful career