Research Labs
Reseach is given an atmost importance at Saveetha school of Engineering, Saveetha University. We want our students to be a creative thinkers, and to be a successful professionals. Research is an area where they explore and provide solutions lot of engineering related problems. We are proud to say we have the following Research Labs to promote research interests among our students. University is funding and encouraging the young minds to be productive. We are extremely proud to announce that our SSE under graduate students have published around 1000 Scopus indexed journals so far. Our STAR Summit 2017 was a great success and around 800 Project posters and demos were made by our students
Advance Product Design & Development Lab
Design, Product Development and Engineering Research is the complete set of activities needed to bring the final design of new devices, technologies, and services as per customer requirement. These activities span the entire product life-cycle, from the identification of a market opportunity or need, through design, testing, manufacture and distribution, and end of useful life.
NANO Materials Lab
This lab is used for synthesis of advanced functional materials and nano materials for medical and engineering applications. The research lab houses good facilities for synthesis using wet chemical method, Oxidation reactions and combustion method. Two research projects have been sponsored by DST and are part of the on-going studies in this lab.
List of DST Sponsored Projects:
Synthesis Crystal Growth and Structural Characterization of Some Studies on Pyridinum Derivatives.
Designing novel water-soluble/amphiphilic phosphorus(V)-porphyrins for potential applications in medicine, bioimaging and biomimetics.
Mobile Application Design & Development Lab
This lab has a dedicated facility to accommodate students to develop Windows 8 and Android, iOS Application with tools such as Phone Gap. Students are trained by external experts like Mobidex and Nokia team to develop real time mobile applications.
Water Quality Lab
The main objectives of sediment and water quality research lab are to understand influence of various natural and anthropogenic activities on water resources. Present research activities gives emphasis in understanding eutrophication and metal pollution by studying both water and sediment characteristics in various aquatic regimes using stable isotopes of hydrogen and oxygen. Presently, One DST, GoI sponsored funded project in assessment of eutrophication of Ooty Lake and Water Research Commission of South Africa funded project on sediment and phosphorus transport in river in South Africa is going on. Apart from this, works in understanding pollution and recharge sources of groundwater and rivers systems and pollution studies in Industrial areas in various parts of southern India is carried out.
Concrete and Highway Engineering
The main objectives of Highway and concrete lab is to develop high strength and self compacting concrete using various chemical admixtures to enhance the strength of the concrete. Major area of research also includes developing eco-friendly building by using industrial and natural wastes for the preparation of concretes. We also carry out research in developing pervious concretes for various soil strata to enhance ground water recharge of an area. Consultancy projects are carried out in production of high strength concrete for various industrial and domestic applications.
Artificial Intelligence & Robotics Research Group
Artificial Intelligence and Robotics lab focuses on the research development on the intelligent automated systems for societal and industrial applications. Artificial intelligence techniques and algorithms are applied to develop and implement intelligent systems. Current research work is on intelligent agricultural multipurpose robot and industrial inspection robots. Futuristic works to be carried out is focused on intelligent humanoid robots for house hold application.
Devices Modelling Lab
Research related to analysis of Integrated Circuits fabrication process is carried out in Device modeling research lab. It provides deep insight into modeling and simulation of devices and circuits. Laboratory focuses on active / passive device modeling andRF/microwave integrated circuit design which includes RF and microwave components system design, FINFET transistor, analysis and evaluation ofthedevice performance parameters.
An Advanced Mathematical Laboratory
In the Advanced Mathematics lab, our objective is to understand, predict, and optimize design criteria for engineering applications. Mathematics laboratory induces the students to perform mathematical experiments, solve mathematical puzzle. Students are assed individually to ensure that they spend time on math concepts. Researches use Graph theory matrix approach for finding the best combination of attributes that influence the system. In depth research is carried out to investigate the squeeze film flow characteristics of Newtonian and Non Newtonian fluids in different geometries using the solution procedures, perturbation technique, momentum integral method and energy integral method.
Stochastic Modelling Lab
In Stochastic Modeling lab our goal is to understand, simulate and analyze stochastic models, such as queuing systems and networks where uncertainty associated with factors such as location and appearance of object is equally important with the dynamics. Researchers are investigating novel approaches for telecommunications research areas such as traffic modeling, performance evaluation, resource provisioning and traffic management. Future focus is on the development of inexpensive predictive capacity for such queuing systems as well as the development of design criteria for engineering applications.
Algorithm Lab
Algorithm engineering focuses on the design, analysis, implementation, optimization, profiling and experimental evaluation of computer algorithms, bridging the gap between algorithm theory and practical applications of algorithms in software engineering. Well equipped infrastructure facilities are provided to carry out research in Algebra and Computation, Computational Geometry, Distributed Algorithms, Graph Algorithms, Parameterized Algorithms.